Sheffield education settings
The updated 'Working Together to Safeguard Children' was published on 15.12.23. The Executive Board are considering the changes to Working Together in the Spring Term. The documents and resources published on the Education pages will be updated to reflect any changes as soon as possible, likely at Easter.
Welcome to the education settings section of the Safeguarding Sheffield Children website. The education pages are divided by topic, which can be seen on the left hand side of the page.
The information, resources, documents and links are there to support you with your safeguarding roles and responsibilities. The pages are regularly reviewed and updated.
In the right side column of these pages you will also find links to national and local guidance and the Schoolpoint 365, Safeguarding Children Service area.
The updated 'Working Together to Safeguard Children' was published on 15.12.23. The documents and resources published on the Education pages will be updated to reflect any changes as soon as possible.