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Sheffield Children Safeguarding Partnership

AUTUMN 24 UPDATES: We are updating our website. Please use the search bar if you can’t find the information you need or contact SCSP to make recommendations for updates.

Themed Audit Days

Themed Audit Days (TAD's) review the work undertaken with 5 children/young people through the evaluation of agency self-audits, professional questionnaires and professionals focus groups. Feedback from parent/carers and young people is also included, where appropriate. 

Themed Audit Days are regular, occurring 3 times a year. The theme of each day is identified through local priorities, local reviews or national research.

What are the aims of the Themed Audit Days?

The aim of the Themed Audit Days are to assess the effectiveness of help provided to children and young people. Themed Audit Days aim to identify and learn from existing good practice. 

Who will be involved in the Themed Audit Days? 

Professionals: prior to the Themed Audit Day each of the agencies working with the child or young person will complete a self-audit in relation to their involvement and recording. The professionals working directly with the child or young person complete a questionnaire about their work. They are also invited to participate in a focus group, with other professionals who are involved in the case.

Multi-Agency Review Team (MART): all members of this team are managers from partner agencies that work with children, young people and families, all of which are have safeguarding experience. The team attend on the Themed Audit Day, and: 

  • Review the agency self-audits and the professionals questionnaires

  • Facilitate a focus/discussion group of the professionals involved in the cases

  • Complete a report of their findings.

Parents/Carers and Young People: the Sheffield Children Safeguarding Partnership (SCSP) are very keen to involve families in this process. Therefore, parents, carers and young people are invited to share their views either through an interview or questionnaire.

Results of Themed Audit Days

A full report of the findings from each Themed Audit Day is presented to the SCSP. A single page Learning Brief is also produced which includes a summary of the findings and key messages for professional practice.  The Learning Briefs are available to download from the Learning Brief page.

The SCSP would like to thank Halton Safeguarding Children Board for sharing information in relation to their Multi-Agency Audit Process and allowing the SCSP to use and adapt this as a basis of the Themed Audit Days.

For more information about the Themed Audit Days send an email or contact us.

Website by Taylorfitch