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Sheffield Children Safeguarding Partnership

AUTUMN 24 UPDATES: We are updating our website. Please use the search bar if you can’t find the information you need or contact SCSP to make recommendations for updates.

Workforce Questionnaire

The Children’s Safeguarding Performance Information Framework (2015, DFE) [1] describes:

 ‘The key nationally collected data that can help those involved in child protection at both the local and national levels understand the health of the child protection system. It also describes recommended questions that can be asked of children, families, professionals and providers at a local level. Taken together they give a richer view of the effectiveness and impact of child protection including early help services’

The Performance Information document outlines the national performance data (nationally submitted data) and their recommendations for locally collected information. In response to this document the SSCB (now called The Sheffield Children Safeguarding Partnership SCSP) developed an online Children’s Workforce Questionnaire. This included relevant questions from the recommended ‘locally collected information’ as well as those relating to Section 11 requirements (Section 11 of the Children’s Act, 2004) and other Board priority areas. This was undertaken in the summer of 2015. There were 1033 responses. The results were reported to the SSCB and fed back to the agencies participating and there has been further work in response to these findings. 

 Plans for 2017/18

The SSCB is a visible and influential Board through effective engagement with other agencies, partnerships, practitioners, voluntary and community sector, children and young people and their families and the wider community’

SSCB Business Plan, 2017/18, Priority 2

In order to further assess the visibility and influence of the SSCB a short survey will be undertaken. This will repeat the questions, from the 2015 Workforce Questionnaire, that focused on professionals understanding of the role of the Sheffield Safeguarding Children Board.

 [1] DFE Reference: DFE-00016-2015

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