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Sheffield Children Safeguarding Partnership

AUTUMN 24 UPDATES: We are updating our website. Please use the search bar if you can’t find the information you need or contact SCSP to make recommendations for updates.

Sexualised behaviour

Sexual behaviour is an expected part of child development and not in itself a cause for concern. Practitioners, parents & carers need to distinguish between what is healthy and what is problematic sexual behaviour by children and young people, and whether there is a risk of harm to those involved in or witnessing this behaviour.

To support this decision making Sheffield Children's Safeguarding Partnership asks all practitioners to use the Hackett Continuum of Children's Sexual Behaviour to understand, assess and respond appropriately to children and young people's sexual behaviour. There is guidance below and training available for practitioners.

If you are concerned then you should make a referral to Children’s Social Care. Similarly you should consider the vulnerability of adults involved and consider a referral to Adult Safeguarding.

Below are Sheffield Children Safeguarding Partnership (SCSP) and other fact sheets, policies, protocols and training to help you and your workforce understand the issues involved, know when to ask for support and to get help when it is needed.

SCSP fact sheets, policy, resources:

National resources:

If you are concerned about a child or young person, follow this link: Referring a safeguarding concern to Children’s Social Care

Website by Taylorfitch