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Sheffield Children Safeguarding Partnership

AUTUMN 24 UPDATES: We are updating our website. Please use the search bar if you can’t find the information you need or contact SCSP to make recommendations for updates.


The resources on this page are reviewed annually at least.  They will be updated as and when necessary.

How Ofsted inspect safeguarding in schools - ***NEW***

Ofsted held webinars in October 2023 to share information about how safeguarding is inspected in schools.  The presentation used at this webinar is here and a recording of one of theses webinars can be accessed here.

Education Inspection Framework:

Inspectors will always take into account how well learners are helped and protected so that they are kept safe. Although inspectors will not provide a separate grade for this important aspect of a provider’s work, they will always make a written judgement under ‘leadership and management’ about whether the arrangements for safeguarding learners are effective.

The approach inspectors should take to inspecting safeguarding in the settings covered by the framework is outlined in our handbooks.

Inspectors are also required to be familiar with the statutory guidance about safeguarding. They should take relevant statutory guidance for their remit into account when inspecting. This includes:

Keeping Children Safe in Education

Working Together to Safeguard Children"

(from the "Education Inspection Framework for September 2023)

Inspection Handbooks:

Learning from Inspections in Sheffield Education Settings:

In 23-24 The DSL network group meetings will develop 'top tips' for talking to Ofsted inspectors about safeguarding.

Feedback from the network meetings will be posted here.


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