Learning from Practice
The Sheffield Children Safeguarding Partnership (SCSP) has a strong quality assurance programme that includes audits, service evaluation and performance monitoring data (outlined in the Quality Assurance, Learning and Improvement Framework).
The SCSP has a strong focus on learning from practice and involves frontline professionals, parents, carers and young people, where possible. The findings from this work, alongside local and national serious case reviews, inspection information and research provides the Partnership with information and learning that it uses in its continual drive to improve practice.
Setting Standards
The LPIG reviews the evidence and recommendations for safeguarding children from a number of different sources, including:
- National guidance from Government organisations
- Recommendations from local and national serious case reviews
- Emerging themes from Themed Audit days and learning lessons reviews conducted by SCSP
- Reviews by voluntary agencies eg NSPCC
- The business plan of the SCSP.
Policies and Procedures
In response to recommendations, the LPIG develops policies and procedures for safeguarding children that require a multi-agency approach, to:
- Ensure multi-agency safeguarding procedures are updated and available to all staff
- Determine workforce development needs
- Ensure that ‘the voice of the child’ is central to the work that it does.
The LPIG seeks assurance from agencies that recommendations are acted on and policies and procedures are followed, to:
- Review single agency audits
- Identify themes for SCSP audits
- Undertake and contribute to multi-agency audits for the SCSP
- Seek assurance from agencies of the implementation of action plans from SCRs and learning reviews.